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Resource Management and Technology Transfer

  • Application of N, P and K at recommended dose in rice and wheat improved the growth and yield attributes in both the crops. These led to better solar radiation interception and least transmission to the ground, which helped in reduction of weed emergence and less competition offered by weeds to the crop for various resources. Therefore, the highest grain yield of rice and wheat were harvested.
  • Nitrogen has better response towards growth and development of crop followed by P and least effect of K. These mainly because of higher exchangeable K stock present in the soil, which are readily available to the plants.
  • Application of 125% of recommended dose of nitrogen was comparable to 100% of N, but, still 125% had edge over 100% N in growth and development of rice and wheat. Higher regimes of nitrogen favoured the crop growth, resulted lower solar radiation transmission. These leads to poor emergence of weeds, thus, lowered weed density and dry biomass was recorded.
  • Incorporation of Sesbania before rice transplanting had positive response on growth, development and yield of rice and also to the weed suppression ability. Sesbania incorporated plots had also reduced the 27.5% direct use of fertilizer and improvised the grain yield by 20.3% over without Sesbania. Though the effect of Sesbania on wheat was not promising but was significantly superior in rice.
  • Sulfosulfuron 75% + Metsulfuron methyl 5% WG, a readymix formulation was demonstrated and the chemistry had significantly increased the growth and yield attributing characters of wheat, resulted in higher grain yield. The formulation had the weed control efficiency of 78-88%, which curtailed competition among weed and wheat plants. Application of this formulation provided yield increment of 56.4% over the hand weeding practice followed by farmers.
  • Pretilachlor(6%) + Pyrazosulfuron(0.15%) GR (600+15 g/ha) and weedy check was tested in farmers’ field along with farmers practice at Dhamtari, Bilaspur and Raipur districts of Chhattisgarh. Pretilachlor 6% + Pyrazosulfuron 0.15% was applied 5-7 days after transplanting for evaluating this molecule at farmers’field. The study sites were predominantly dominated with Cyperusrotundus,C.difformis,Echinochloacolona, E.crusgalli, Cynadondactylon, Ischaemomrogusum, Commelina sp.,Amaranthus sp., Alternenthrasessilis, Monochoria sp., Marsiliaquadrifoliaand Ludwigiaparviflora. It was recorded that weed control efficiency was about 80-91% and there was yield improvement of 40-50%, irrespective of locations and varieties.
  • Priming of seeds with calcium chloride (osmo-priming, 150 µmol) reduced weed biomass resulted improved rice grain yield by 41% over non-primed seeds. Moderately weeded plots significantly suppressed the weeds and improved the rice grain yield by 1.24 times over weedy check.
  • Adoption of narrow row spacing of 15 cm significantly suppressed the weed biomass and increased the weed suppression efficiency and harvested higher grain yield over wider spacing (25 cm).
  • Adoption of seed rate from 60- 100 kg/ha gave insignificant yield advantage, however, Seeds rate of 100 kg/ha reduced the weed biomass, and reduction in seed rate significantly increases the weed dry biomass.

Thursday, 06:41:38 PM, 13 February 2025

  • Last Modified: Wednesday 12 February 2025.

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