(+91-771) 227 7333
The Institute NIBSM, Raipur has a legal status of Deemed to be University, as approved by the cabinet, and came into existence in 2012. Mandate of the Institute bestows the responsibility to undertake basic and strategic research as well as generating quality human resources through education, in the specialised field of biotic stress management. The research and education is planned to be carried out through four different schools covering various facets of utilizing modern scientific tools to understand, educate and mitigate biotic stresses. These four schools are:
Significant emphasis was placed during the preceding EFCs/SFCs spanning 2012 to 2017 and 2017 to 2020, with the primary goal of establishing both infrastructure and human resources. The Institute (Deemed to be University) has obtained approval for its comprehensive master plan. Notably, the initial phase of construction has been finished and was inaugurated by the Honourable Prime Minister of India in 2021. This phase encompasses key buildings such as the Administration block, Library, Auditorium, two school buildings, and two hostels.
Currently, the Institute boasts a team of 33 scientists, including the Director. ICAR-NIBSM has started generating research leads in the field of Biotic Stress Management. The remaining cadre strength from a total of 60 Scientists and 140 administrative, technical and supporting staff, is at active consideration. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, as well as the Ministry of Finance and Expenditure under the Government of India, are actively considering the creation of these positions, with prompt filling anticipated.
The Institute is proactively engaged in establishing collaborative MoUs with esteemed Institutes and Universities across the nation. These efforts are aimed at fostering cooperative ventures in research and academia. In accordance with its educational mandate, the Institute has initiated post-graduate academic sessions encompassing various disciplines related to Biotic Stress Management. Notably, a significant milestone has been achieved through an MoU with the renowned Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in New Delhi. This collaboration facilitates the enrollment of students for ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur using the standardized ICAR procedure, with degrees conferred by IARI.
For comprehensive insights into the Institute's research, education, extension activities, and facilities, pertinent information can be accessed on the relevant sections of this website.
This website belongs to National Institute of Biotic Stress Management, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the
Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
Copyright © 2020 ICAR-NIBSM, This site is maintained by Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU), ICAR-NIBSM