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Institute / ICAR Funded Projects

Institute Funded Projects (On-going)

S.No Project Code Project Title Investigators (Dr/Mr/Mrs) Year
Programme I-PPGR and thier management
1 CRSCNIBSMSIL201800300026 Mapping of genetic groups of Bemisiatabaci in India and their begomovirus transmission efficiency Sridhar J
RK Murali Baskaran
2 CRSCNIBSMSIL201800400027 Identification and characterization of bacteriophages against rice bacterial leaf blight pathogen Xanthomonas oryzaepv. oryzae Lata Jain
Vinay Kumar
SK Jain
3 CRSCNIBSMSIL201800500028 Exploring host-microbial cross talk in agro-ecosystem of Bastar plateau zone of Chhattisgarh Mamta Choudhary
BK Choudhary
LL Kharbikhar
Programme II-Molecular Biology of stress reaction
1 CRSCNIBSMSIL201700200021 Identification of biotic stress induced promoters from resistance source plants P.N. Sivalingam
Vinay kumar
LL Kharbikar
SK Jain
2 CRSCNIBSMSIL201700400023 Development of super donors in rice carrying tolerance to multiple stresses (Bacterial leaf blight, Brown plant hopper and Blast) Vinay Kumar
PN Sivalingam
Mallikarjuna J
3 CRSCNIBSMSIL201800600029 Epigenetic regulation of microRNA genes in response to Fusarium stress in chickpea LL Kharbhikhar
Ashish Marathe
4 CRSCNIBSMSIL201900100032 Deciphering the role of isoflavones in differential reaction to yellow mosaic disease in soybean Ashish Marathe
PN Sivalingam
LL Kharbikar
5 CRSCNIBSMSIL201900200033 Deciphering Silicon mediated defense against yellow stem borer in rice Mallikarjuna J
Vinay Kumar
6 CRSCNIBSMSIL202000100034 Cytological and molecular basis of organ-specific resistanceto blast disease in finger millet SK Jain
Mamta Choudhary
Ashish Marathe
2020- 2023
Programme III-Genetic and molecular resource for stress tolerance
1 CRSCNIBSMSIL201800700030 Isolation and characterization of secondary metabolites of Chromobacterium species for mitigation of biotic stress in agriculture BK Choudhary
Mamta Choudhary
RK Murali Baskaran
Sridhar J
2 CRSCNIBSMIL202000200035 Antimicrobial Cyclic Lipopeptides (AMLs) producing Bacillus for antagonistic activity S.K. Sharma
Lata Jain
Programme IV-Strategic and adaptive research in biotic stress management
1 CRSCNIBSMSIL201600200016 Bio-ecology and management of the pink stem borer in wheat K.C. Sharma
Mallikarjuna J
Yogesh Yele
2 CRSCNIBSMSIL201700100020 Isolation and Development of efficient native biocontrol agents of Chhattisgarh for management of lepidopteran pests R.K. Murali Baskaran
KC Sharma
Lata Jain
Sridhar J
3 CRSCNIBSMSIL201800800031 Evaluation of Allelopathic potential in rice and selected weeds for weed management Anil Dixit
BK Choudhary

Institute Funded Projects (Completed)

S.No Project Code Project Title Investigators (Dr/Mr/Mrs) Year
Programme I-PPGR and thier management
1 CRSCNIBSMSIL201600100015 Characterization of viruses and virus-like-organisms affecting economically important crop plants P.N. Sivalingam
Vinay Kumar
Yogesh Yele
2 CRSCNIBSMSIL201500200011
Isolation and characterization of pathogens causing various diseases in animals and fishes (Merged Project) B.K. Choudhary
Mamta Choudhary
Lata Jain
Programme II-Molecular Biology of stress reaction
1 CRSCNIBSMSIL201500300012 Exploring endophytes in legume crops (Pigeon pea and Lathyrus) for Plant Growth and disease tolerance Vinay Kumar
Lata Jain
SK Jain
Programme III-Genetic and molecular resource for stress tolerance
1 CRSCNIBSMSIL201700300022 Genepool profiling in crop plants for tolerance to biotic stresses S.K. Jain
Anil Dixit
RK Murali Baskaran
KC Sharma
PN Sivalingam
Mallikarjuna J
Yogesh Yele
Programme IV-Strategic and adaptive research in biotic stress management
1 CRSCNIBSMSIL201300100001 Studies on biotic stress under crop management practices in rice-wheat cropping system V.K Choudhary
Anil Dixit
2 CRSCNIBSMSIL201400100002 On-farm evaluation
assessment of biotic stress management technologies for adoption and impact
Anil Dixit
V.K Choudhary
P. Mooventhan
3 CRSCNIBSMSIL201400200003 Studies on biotic stresses under nutrient management practices in rice-wheat cropping system with reference to weed management V.K Choudhary
Anil Dixit
4 CRSCNIBSMSIL201500100010 Development of methodologies for estimating the crop losses due to different biotic stresses in Rice crop (Oryza sativa L.) Mallikarjuna J
KC Sharma
SK Jain
5 CRSCNIBSMSIL201600300017 Developing and testing the effectiveness of user friendly educational knowledge tools on biotic stress management in Rice and Lathyrus P. Mooventhan
Anil Dixit
6 CRSCNIBSMSIL201600300018 Sustainable weed management in direct seeded rice Anil Dixit
V.K. Choudhry

AICRP / Network Projects (On-going)

S.No Project Code Project Title Investigators (Dr/Mr/Mrs) Year Funding Agency Budge
1 CRSCNIBSMCOP201400800009 AICRP on nematodes in cropping systems Dr. Mallikarjuna J 2014 onwards ICAR 2.3 Lakhs (2019-20)

Consultancy Projects (Completed)

S.No Project Code Project Title Investigators (Dr/Mr/Mrs) Year Funding Agency Budge
1 CRSCNIBSMSOL201400500006 Bio-efficacy evaluation of “Lancer gold” (Acephate 50% + Imidachloprid 1.8% sp) against insect pests of rice, (Oryza sativa L.) Mallikarjuna J
Anil Dixit
V.K. Choudhary
2014-2015 United Phosphorus Ltd -
2 CRSCNIBSMSOL201400600007 Evaluation of bio-efficacy of new insecticide molecule “UPI 1810” against insect pests of Rice, (Oryza sativa L.) Mallikarjuna J
Anil Dixit
V.K. Choudhary
2014-2015 United Phosphorus Ltd -
3 CRSCNIBSMSOL201400700008 Evaluation of UPH814 against weeds in direct seeded rice Anil Dixit
V.K. Choudhary
2014-2015 United Phosphorus Ltd -

Thursday, 06:32:17 PM, 13 February 2025

  • Last Modified: Wednesday 12 February 2025.

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This website belongs to National Institute of Biotic Stress Management, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the
Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
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