Events Archive
RAC is scheduled for September 21st and 22nd, 2023, at ICAR-NIBSM
XV Annual Review Meeting of All India Coordinated Research Project on Nematodes in Agriculture will be organized by ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur on 12-13 September, 2023
ICAR-NIBSM's Foundation Day 07.10.2023
One day Academician-Industry meet to be organized by ICAR-NIBSM,Raipur on 2nd June 2023 at ICAR- NIBSM, Raipur
One-day awareness workshop on IPR for Biotechnological research organized at ICAR-NIBSM on 15th March 2023
List of Webinars and Seminars organized by ICAR-NIBSM during 2022
7th RAC meeting held on 8-9th June 2022
Parliamentary official language committee meeting held on 14/11/2022
Engagement of medical officer on contractual basis
Advertisement for YP - II (F&A) position at ICAR-NIBSM
ICAR-NIBSM Celebrated 75 Years of Independence
YP-II Shortlisted candidates list
Engage a medical officer purely on contractual basis
7th Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting, ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur(8-9 th June 2022)
MoU signed between ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur and PRSU, Raipur
ICAR-NIBSM organised Garib Kalyan Sammelan on 31st May 2022
Advertisement of Young Professional Posts at ICAR-NIBSM Raipur (C.G.)
Two-day Workshop on Emerging IP Issues and Innovation Changes for better Technologies organized at ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur on 15th -16th March 2022
Training on mushroom production technology to tribal women farmers
ICAR-NIBSM Celebrated 73rd Republic Day, 2022
Wider publicity and better participation in GeM bidding
List of students admitted to ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur for M.Sc Programme in various disciplines for the academic year 2021-2022
ICAR- NIBSM, Raipur organized Chickpea seeds and vegetable seed kit distribution programme under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) Scheme for the year 2021-22
Brainstorming on "Exploring Antimicrobial Cyclic Lipopeptides (AMLs) Producing-Bacterial Resources for Biotic Stress Management: Prospects & Challenges" organized virtually at ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur on 10th Nov 2021
Filling up the Administrative post on Transfer, Deputation , Absorption basis at ICAR-NIBSM
Celebration of 152th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and inauguration of Special Swacchhata Campaign from 2nd October to 31st October 2021 at ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur
Call for M.Sc Students
ICAR NIBSM New Campus 2021
ICAR-NIBSM dedicated to Nation by Shri. Narendra Modi (Hon'ble Prime Minister) on 28th September 2021
Poshan Vatika Maha Abhiyan and Tree Plantation
ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur observed Parthenium awareness week (16th Aug- 22nd Aug)
Celebration of 75th Independence Day at ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur
6th RAC meeting of ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur was held on 12th July 2021
Brainstorming on "Prospects and challenges for identification of novel genes for biotic stress mitigation in crops"
Seed distribution programme organized under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan(SCSP) Scheme for the year 2021-22 at ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur
Brainstorming on Plant Volatile Organic Compounds
ICAR-NIBSM celebrated International Women's Day - 2020
Director ICAR-NIBSM reviewed the work progress with CPWD officials
ICAR-NIBSM received the Biotech-KISAN project from Department of Biotechnology (DBT) with the overall grant of Rs. 2.14 crores for two years.
Quinquennial Review Team Report of ICAR-NIBSM 2012-2017