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List of trainings attended by scientist during 2017 - 2023

Trainings organized or attended (2019-20)

Trainings organized
S.No Title of training organized Period Venue
1 Five days off-campus collaborative training programme on "Good Agricultural Practices and Current Strategies for Improved Agro-chemical Use and Management” 17.12.2019 to 21.12.2019 I.G.K.V, Raipur
Trainings Attended
S.No Title of training attended Period Venue Sponsor Name of scientist
1 Training on Designing CRISPR targets using in-silico approaches 16.09.2019 to 27.09.2019 Division of Biochemistry ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Division of Biochemistry ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Dr. Ashish Marathe

Trainings organized or attended (2018-19)

Trainings organized
S.No Title of training organized Period Venue
1 One day training programme on pre and post knowledge test 25.05.2018 Bendranawagaon, Telinsatti
2 One day training cum field/lab visit for Rural Extension Officers (REOs)/State Agriculture Development Officers 01.06.2018 ICAR-NIBSM
3 Capacity building programme including technology demonstration, hands-on training, field trips and educational tour under Farmer FIRST Programme (49 numbers) 2018-19 Kasdol, Balloda
4 Ten days MANAGE sponsored off-campus collaborative training programme on "Eco-friendly Pest Management Technologies and Novel Strategies: An Update 27.08.18 to 05.09.18 ICAR-NIBSM
5 One day DBT sponsored Foldscope workshop for Nicobarese tribal farmers on “Role of Foldscope Microscopy in minimizing the risk of zoonotic diseases, field level diagnosis of plant diseases and ensure the personal hygiene of tribal farmers 20.03.2019 Harminder Bay, A & N Islands
6 Foldscope demonstration cum hands-on training, awareness campaign on personal hygiene and zoonotic diseases to tribal farmers and school students (18 numbers) 2018-19 In and around Raipur
Trainings Attended
S.No Title of training attended Period Venue Sponsor Name of scientist
1 Hands On Training programme on Aquaculture Genomics and Bioinformatics 27 August to 1st September, 2018 ICAR-Central Institute of Brackish Water Aquaculture, Chennai ICAR-CIBA,Chennai 27.08.18 to 01.09.18 ICAR-Central Institute of Brackish Water Aquaculture, Chennai ICAR-NIBSM B. K. Choudhary

Trainings organized or attended (2017-18)

Trainings organized
S.No Title of training organized Period Venue
1 One day Interactive Session on ‘Utilizing alien species for pigeon pea improvement 16.05.2017 ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur
2 An ICAR-Short Course on “New Frontiers of biotic stress management for doubling the farmers income s 11.09.2017 to 20.09.2017 IGKV, Raipur
3 Hands on Oyster-Mushroom production training 13.11.2017 Kharaha village, Kasdol block, Chhattisgarh
4 A training cum demonstration of Happy seeder and aqua-ferti seed drill 02.12.2017 Kharaha, Kharri and Kurraha villages
5 A method demonstration on oyster mushroom cultivation under Farmers FIRST project 16.12.2017  
Trainings Attended
S.No Title of training attended Duration and Organizer Name of scientist
1 OSP for ICAR on GFR-2017 August 09-11, 2017, held at Institute of Secretariat training and Management, New Delhi Dr. K. C. Sharma
2 Competency Enhancement Programme for Effective Implementation of Training Functions February 15-17, 2018 held at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad. Dr. P. N. Sivalingam
3 Microbial Genomics and Proteomics in Diagnosis and Control of Diseases of Veterinary Importance November 07-27, 2017, organised by Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar-125004, Haryana Dr. (Mrs.) Mamta Choudhary
4 21 days winter school on Recent approaches in animal disease diagnostics and vaccinology September 26-October 16, 2017, organized at School of Animal Biotechnology, GADVASU, Ludhiana Dr. (Mrs.) Lata Jain
5 Identification, mass production and utilization of parasitism, predators and entomopathogens for sustainable insect pest management December 4-10, 2017, held at NBAIR, Bengaluru Dr. Sridhar J.
6 Training on Good practices in Quantitative Social Science Research August 07-12, 2017, held at ICAR-CTCRI, Trivandrum Dr. P. Mooventhan
7 ICAR sponsored 10 days short Course on ‘New frontiers in biotic stress management for doubling farmers income’ Organized by ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur during September 11-20, 2017, held at IGKV, Raipur. Mr. Yogesh Yele

Trainings (2016-17)

S.No Title of training Duration and Organizer Name of the Scientist
1 “Refresher course on bio-agents” July 18-29, 2016 at TNAU, Coimbatore Dr. Mallikarjuna J.
2 Refresher course on "Advances in eco friendly pest management strategies in Millets" 22-31 August, 2016 at Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad Dr. K. C. Sharma
3 CAFT training programme on “Perspectives of plant-microbe interactions in promoting plant health and disease management” Sept. 7-27, 2016 at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar Dr. Vinay Kumar
4 Training programme on mExtension: “all-in-one” Mobile Phones for Agricultural Extension” Sept, 12-16 2016 organized by Manage, Hyderabad in collaboration with TNAU, Coimbatore, at Madurai Dr. P. Mooventhan
5 Financial management in ICAR Nov. 15-19, 2016 at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad Dr. K. C. Sharma
6 Management Development Programme on “Leadership Development” Dec. 19-30, 2016 at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad Dr. S. K. Jain
7 Professional Attachment Training on off-season population of whitefly and its related aspects in selected locations Nov. 21, 2016 to Feb. 20, 2017 at NCIPM, New Delhi. Mr. Yogesh Yele

Thursday, 05:06:38 PM, 13 February 2025

  • Last Modified: Wednesday 12 February 2025.

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